July 25, 1929. Mrs. C.F. Kelly, Big Fork, Montana. Dear Mrs. Kelly, You know I have not had an opportunity to see Mr. Kelly and get any further opinion on the decoration “The Phantom of Kootenai Lodge,” and when the canvas was delivered you both ex- pressed you pleasure in having it just as Charlie left it, in that weird, beautiful unfinished state. You were kind to loan it to me for Charley’s exhibition in New York last fall where it was talked of and admired a lot. While east I was to have seen Mr. Kelly, but he was out of town. I went to Boston, from where I was called home, and did not get back to New York as planned. I shall be happy to see you and Mr. Kelly some time this summer. Sincerely, NCR S
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-08-20]