[handwritten] Mr. Malcolm S. MacKay 55 Wall Street New York My dear Mr. Mackay Your letter of July 16 received, Chas.[sic] has not forgotten about the picture he is to paint for you but he has been so busy with the big decoraton[sic] for the state which is now finished and in place [illegible] he has done nothin[sic] else since we came home. But now once more he can breathe so will [next] [page 2] sketch out some ideas and send them to you for approval before he starts on the canvas. We have had a very cold summer really just about ten days in June since then cold and lots of rain. I am enclosing a clipping about the state decoration done by Chas. I thought you would enjoy knowing about it. Chas joins me in sending kindest regards to you all Sincerely
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-10-12]