August 15, 1931. Mr. C. M. Schandies Curator of C.M. Russell Memorial Great Falls, Montana. Dear Mr. Schandies: Referring further to the painting of Lewis and Clark we are still somewhat uncertain about it. In the first place, we are wondering about the title to the copyright of this picture which we note is marked "Copyright by Charles M, Russell”. In the event of your selling the reproduction rights, would it be possible to get Mrs. Russell's personal signature to a conveyance because I believe she is the sole heir and executrix and it would seem to us to be much safer to have her signature and also her statement that it had not previously been published or sold for publication. If we can get her release of the copyright, we would be glad to consider it further. Sincerely yours, The Osborne Company By [signed] [Thomas?] [Mhaus?] TG85
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-10-19]