JUNE 5th - 33. Mrs. Chas. M. Russell, 725 - Michigan Boulevard, Pasadena, California. U.S.A. Dear Madam:- On instructions of Mr. Miller of the Gainsborough Art Studio, we have shipped to you to-day by Can. Pacific Express, 1 Crate Oil Painting, and enclose herewith Express Receipt, and statement of charges in the amount of $8.00 covering Cartage and Crating. You will note we have attached a C.O.D., for the above mount, and would thank you to pay same over to the American Express Co., who will remit to us. Trusting this shipment reaches destination in good order in due time, we are, Yours very truly, JOHNSTON STORAGE & CARTAGE CO.LTD., Per. [signed] J. Burns J.B. Encl.
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-11-07]