August 27, 1929 Mrs. Charles M. Russell, Great Falls, Mont., Dear Mrs. Russell: They have asked me to get out the program for the rodeo again this year, hence I am bothering you again. What do you think of the idea of a page, reproducing the "Last of Five Thousand” picture, with a portrait of Charlie, and authentic story of the drawing and how it happened to be made, as you told it to me last fall? I'm very enthusiastic about the idea myself, and hope it meets wi th [sic] your approval . If this story is coming out in the book, of course we can bring out that fact. If the material is with your publishers, I can arrange with them here, with your consent. Copyright would be protected and any material returned, as last year. I noted in thepapers[sic] the^/^other day that your cabin was threat- ened with a forest fire. I hope matters did not prove as serious as the reports indicated they might be. With best wishes, Yours, [signed] Arthur Chapman
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-11-09]