La Jolla, Calif.,1/3/27 Mrs. Charles M. Russell, 701 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, Calif. Dear Nancy: In accordance with our deal of Monday, I am enclosing herewith my check No.23271 on the Lawyer's Trust Co., 160 Broad- way, New York City, for Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Dollars ($4, 7 40). This is actually a deposit against the Twenty Six Thousand ($26.000) which you are charging me in full payment for the follow- ing bronzes and paintings by Charley, which you have sold me: Bronze "Enemy that warns" Bronze "Piegan "Squaw” Bronze "Piegan Buck" Bronze "War Dancers" Bronze "Buffalo Runner" Watercolor "A doubtful handshake"$275.00 115.00 350.00 500.00 1000.00 2500.00 >______< 474000 Bronze "Secrets of the Night" Oil "Tracks that spellMeat[sic] or War" Oil "Fighting Meat" Oil "A Bad One " Watercolor "Texas Trail Boss"500.00 3000.00 6000.00 15000.00 1000.00 >______< 3024000 The total price of these items as you listed them to me amounts to Thirty two thousand two hundred and forty dollars ($30,240.00), but our deal includes the entire lot at Twenty- six thousand dollars ($26,000.00). My check herewith covers the first six of these items which are being sold through the Biltmore Galleries and leaves me owing you a balance of Twenty- one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars,($21,260.00), of which I will give you another deposit of Three thousand two hundred and sixty dollars ($3,260,00) before the exhibit closes, and you ship the lot to me. The balance of Eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000,00) I will immediately forward to you upon my being in- formed by my secretary in Brooklyn that they have all been re- ceived at my address there in good condition. I am ordering a copy of the Bronze of Jim Bridger for Five hundred dollars ($500,00), which you are to have sent to me from the Roman Bronze (or wherever it is cast) in New York, but that is a separate deal and does not figure in the present one. I believe that you are also having ''Secrets of the Night" sent me from the Casting house in New York, rather fre than from here. Also you are to ship me with the above lot the casting which you showed me Monday of the little Bronze "Indian Dancer” to replace my defective one which I will ship back to you as soon as I get [next] #2 home. This is aside from the present deal and doew[sic] not involve any cash. I review in full the confidential details of our deal to avoid the possibility of an y[sic] misunderstanding on either side, though I am sure that everything is already perfectly clear between us. If this does not in every way meet with your understanding, please return my check and let me know at once. As you already know, the things are to be fully covered by insurance and addressed to me as follows: Dr. Philip G. Cole, % A. Schraders Son Inc. , 470 Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn, New York. I am particularly anxious to get the little verses that go with "Where tracks spell War or Meat", for that particular picture is Katharine's favorite of all of them- just as it is one of your special loves. Do watch over that one especially for us. Nancy, I am hopeful that in some way I can get hold of some of the little things preferably in oil, though also possibly in watercolors by Charley. Haven't you any sketches or studies at home? I want them to fill in the smaller blank spaces on the walls between the larger things, also to help fill in some of the interesting historical gaps that are missing. What about the Trigg collection in Great Falls? Why don't you write and ask them if they would'nt[sic] like to let me have all or part of them at this time? Right now while I am making this big, important addition I would like to do any other buying so that I can arrange my things properly. I heard recently that they were considering selling them - though this may not be true. At any rate, I wish you would see what might be stirred up about them and let me know. I realize that they are practically all personal gifts from Charley, but like you, they might prefer to have them live on with my collection. When I see you I also want to discuss "Father de Schmidt" also the pen and ink historical sketches which we spoke of. Whatever I am to do in the near future, I much prefer to do now while I am out here, and before I make more or less permanent wall arrangements, etc. at home. Katherine and I regret not having had more time to just sit around and enjoy looking at the things. However, as you know, we were very busy. I forgot to mention that I would like an in- dividual receipted bill on each separate item that I got from you. This is a little additional trouble or you, but it simplifies things greatly f or me in the matter of insurance etc. Also, as you know, I will greatly appreciate all the history and interesting data that you can give me on each article. You will naturally not want to give me individual receipted bills on all these things [next] #3 until they are all paid for, but you might be working up the story of each one for me. Katherine and I are looking forward to seeing you the next time you rundown ^to^ La Jolla. Always your friend, [signed]Philip G Cole
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-11-01]