xxxxxxxxxxxxx 6816 Odin Street, Hollywood, California, May 20,1926. Dr. Philip G. Cole, A Schrader’s Son, Inc. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dear Dr. Cole: Your letter of May 11th received, also the package of valves and accessories you so kindly sent. I thank you very much for them. I have just purchased a new Lincoln and that little box can be tucked away under the seat and we’ll bless you many a time for you thoughtfulness. Charlie has not had an inspiration for your letter yet but he will write you as soon as the proper hunch comes to him. He has the description of your picture written and I will keep it and send it on with the illustrated letter. If you have not returned the bonze, “To Noses That Read a Smell That Spells Man” to the bronze works, please send it on to us at Great Falls, or, if it isn’t packed properly, return it to them with the request that it be shipped to us. I sent this figure to you at the request of Mr. Furman. I am sorry to have bothered you with it, [next] -2- I will have the Roman Brone[sic] send you the cost of “Secrets of the Night” when completed and if it does not appeal to you, you do not need to keep it. Now, regarding the sheep picture: It will be next to impossible to put a price on that picture before Charolie[sic] paint[sic] it, but I imagine the size he would choose would be 20-30 to24036 The price will range between $4,000 and $5,000. You know this is a picture that Charlie would never do except as a special favor to you, so if it comes up to his standard work, I feel sure the will be no hesitancy on your part in taking it. It will be months before it is done, probably not before the first of the year. If all this seems too much of a risk for you to take, you write me immediately and can- cel the suggestion and it will be O.K. with us. That wall panel is a xxxx expensive thing to do as it takes as much time and energy to do a panel as it would to paint a picture. and[sic] the pictures are much more satisfactory in the long run because they can be put anywhere. I only mention this panel to you because Mr. Furman spoke to us about it and I felt it would be much better to have your views on the matter direct and for Charlie to tell you what he thought, rather than have it go through two or three hands and be a misunderstanding as there has been the case of the little bronze. Charlie joins me kindest wishes to you both, Sincerely,
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-10-31]