April 23, 1925 Mrs. Charles M. Russell, Great Falls, Montana. Dear Mrs. Russell: Thank you for your letter of April 19. As per our conversation in January, I will be interested in any picture that Charlie may paint of "Last Chance Gulch”, - but only with the understanding that there is to be no obligation on my part. I am sure that whatever he might do would be wonderful. He is not able to do anything that is not. As was understood when we discussed it, I would not want him to undertake anything with a feel- ing that I was in any way obligated to take it, for pictures, after all, can only be judged after they are seen and then of course the price has its bearing. You mention in your letter that if Charlie does paint such a picture he will possibly want to make it a large size. I feel quite sure at this time that I probably could not use a large one, but of course, am always interest- ed in seeing and knowing about anything that he does. In other words, the subject seems a likely one for Charlie, but I would in no sense want to feel under any obligation about it. With very good wish to both of you, Sincerely yours, [signed] Philip G. Cole
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2011-12-17]