June 3,1930 Mrs. W.B. Campbell 27 Lorain Apts. Calgary, Alta, Candada Dear Mrs. Campbell: Your note just received, saying that you had decided not to dispose of your pictures at the present time. I have a man partly interested and if you would give me a price that I could quote to him it would not make me look quite so foolish. I told him that the price would probably be more than he would care to pay, but I must quote him some price, so will you please write to me at 1203 Fourth Avenue North, Great Falls, Montana, so that I will get the letter about the 16th, as I will be there at that time. Then I can send your price on to him and we will all be straightend out on the matter. There is not much chance of his taking them but he might, so be prepared to let them go at the price you quote. You know a person doesn’t know what the other man might do. There is a vague possibility of my going to Calgary during the stampede this year and if I do I certainly would be happy to see you. Sincerely, R/W
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2011-10-24]