P I C T U R E S By Charles M. Russell Name:Size:Description:Price: “The Bunch Quitter” (Water Color)20” x 30”This scene is laid in Northern Mexico. The equipment of the horse and rider tells you that and of course you know one man baa the head rope on nnd the other is putting on the heel rope. I am glad the picture shows you what action is in it. $3,500.00 “Worked Over” (Water Color)20” x 30”This scene is laid in the North Country at a little water hold near the foothill. Two riders have cone on to a cow and her calf . The calf is almost a yearling and on would naturally suppose, weaned. Some one bas worked the brand over. The fellow who changed the brand thought the calf had left its mother. The expression of surprise on both riders faces is very plain. The foremost of the two is riding a young, or green, horse as he is using a hackamore and has a blind facing on it that is lowered while saddling. This is a very peaceful l picture suggesting a powerful story. $3,500.00 The last three water color pictures, above described, were all made the last year of Mr. Russell's life and are as fine as any water colors he ever made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2011-11-11]