November 28th, 1919. Mr. Geo F. Baker No. 2 Wall Street New York, N.Y. My dear Mr. Baker: I thank you for your letter of the 24 th inst., and I am very sorry that we cannot get together on the price of the picture in which you are interested. It is not possible, however, for us to consider the offer which you have very kindly repeated because, strange as it may seem, we, in our line of endeavor, are trying to operate our business affairs upon a business basis and thru the kindness of the public who have been desirous. of securing Mr. Russell’s work, a very definite scale of price has been established for us. It is mighty nice of you, Mr . Baker, to have been so interested in Mr. Russell’s work and if at any time prior to the sale of the picture t o some other person you change your mind , we should be very glad to hear from you. Mr. Russell asked me to thank you for the kind sentiments in the last paragraph of your letter and to assure you that any time you are in Montana, he would be very pleased to have you. call on him. Very sincerely,
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2011-11-14]