A Letter to the "The Times" by Will Rogers, Beverly Hills, November 10, 1932
How My Wife Has Helped Me

Scope and Content Notes
New York Telegram 11 March 1925 "We Women by Betty Brainerd. 'How My Wife Has Helped Me.'" Charles Russell talks about his wife, "The worst fight we ever had was in 1897 when she asked $75 for a canvas, which I though highway robbery -- and got it. I was ready to sell it for $5, but she insisted that we had to eat. From that time on she has sold all my paintings. It used to worry me, the prices she asked, but she always gets what she goes after. As Will Rogers said -- 'Mrs. Russell took the 'o' out of saloons and put me in salons.' We are partners...she lives for tomorrow, and I live for yesterday; so it is the combination which brings things today."