Buffalo herd approching water

Scope and Content Notes
B & W photograph of painting Buffalo approching water. on back side at center in ink "HIS Heart Sleeps","(with poam)", "oil painting", "By Charles M. Russell", "size 7x12". lower left side corner is stamp of pring stdio "Trails End Publihing Co., Inc.", 725 Michigan Blvd", "Pasadena 10 Calif." Top left side in pencil is poem "poem", "His Heart Sleeps", No flowers deck his resting place", no marble marks the spot", "but nature loves her children", "her child is not forgoten", "Aft times she rocks his cradle", "whitch hangs at rivers brink", "Her waters humms his lulaby", When giant herds come to drink", 'His God, the sun,rides gaurd for him", "and throuse his golden light"," and the moon with all her children", "watch over him throught the night","by CM Russell"