[handwritten] Apgar, Mont. July 16, 1918 D.O.M Lanstrum Helena Mont. My Dear Dr. Lanstrum Your letter of June 19 also July 9 received I am sorry not to have answered you letter of June 19 before but Chas. had no ^further^ suggestions to make. He says if Mr. Linderman don’t[sic] get writes[sic] [cramps] ^he wont^ autographing those two thousand book he is sure he can keep up with him. They will sure know how to wright[sic] their name after that don’t you think_ how will they ^the Publisher^ manage just send the fly leaves and have the signatures then return them to be bound in the book. I dont know how such things are managed ^done^ In answer to yours of July 9th I think you are right about having Scribners [next] [page 2] do the work their name would be a great thing as that mans first class work and I am sure all wont ^would like^ that_ Chase wonts[sic] to do three Water colors. Twenty five pen & ink drawings and Fifteen Marginals the last can be use over as many times as they ^see fit^ would and will fill up a lot of vacant spots that a full drawing would be to much for. Chas will go down and see Mr Linderman soon as we ar so near now we are going to Canada for a week and as soon as we return will either go see him or he will come to us we are so near now. You seem to have covered all the field and we are sure the book will be a go. sincerely_
[Transcribed by Melynda Seaton, 2012-06-21]