[1] Pasadena, California April 18, 1931 Mr. C. A. Beil, Banff, Alberta, C a n a d a . Dear Charlie Beil: Your air letter received. The measurements you want are: Hat 7-3/8; width of brim, 3 inches; boots 6-1/2; waist measure 37 inches; pants, inside seam length, 31 inches. Charlie’s height before he was hurt was five feet nine and one-half inches. If you want them I wills send you a hat and boots to work from. Here’s wishing you more power. You said what I have had in mind all the time and still have. I don’t care who gets the job of making a model of Charlie but I do want it to be a likeness of him and fine piece of art. It just must be that to fill the requirements. Have learned there is a committee in Washington that does pass on the finished bronze before it is placed. I am glad to that. Sent you a wire last night as follows: “Send accurate copies all Mrs. Robbins’ letters air mail. They will help us convince the Governor to reconsider. Thanks for your assistance. A letter with full detail following.” When I have Mrs. Robbins’ letters showing her preju- dice against Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lion, etc., they may come in very handy. I don’t want to use them unless it is necessary but no one person has the right to handle things to their liking whether they are on the jury of selection or whether it is me This bronze is to last for all time and must go in on its own merit. There surely will be another call for models as there is some one who can do a fine thing – a likeness of Charlie that will be artistic and please us all. I think Mr. Lion’s model is good. Perhaps he can im- prove on it since hearing all the criticisms. Mr. -2- Mr. C.A. Beil Lion’s model does not hurt your heart and make you pity Charlie as the photographs in the paper of Mrs. Lincoln’s model does. I’ll wager Charlie is laugh- ing at us if he can see back. Can’t you just hear him giggle? It is no laughing matter to us though is it? I have found some staunch friends through this up- heaval. Old stand-bys like the Rogers, Bill Hart, Mr. MacKay and lots of other folks I don’t know so well. Have not heard one word from Santa Barbara. Am going up there tomorrow. Ed Borein has just gotten home from the Hearst Ranch and I want to see him. He is such a poor hand at letter writing. You will have plenty of time to try your hand at a model of Charlie that you feel might fill the niche so try your hardest. Thirty inches is a good height to make your first model. One sure thing is there will be some good models of Charlie in this country when this contest is finished and the one selected to have the honor of the niche should be the finest of them all. For nights I could not sleep. I am feeling better now and your letters have helped a lot because there is no selfishness in them. Your aim is the same as mine. I believe if you did a model of Charlie and sent it in and if some other person had something better, you would say “Go to it, you win! I put on my spurs and did my best but couldn’t make the grade”. My fondest love to Vera and you. Sincerely, Air Mail
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-09]