Pasadena, California. April 24, 1931. Mr. C. A. Beil, Banff, Alberta, C a n a d a . Dar Charlie and Vera: Your letter with the enclosed letters from Mrs. Rob- bins received to day, Thank you so much for loan- ing them to the cause. I am enclosing an editorial which will interest you and I am sending copies of Mrs. Robbins; letter and this editorial to the Governor. You can’t get in any worse with her than you are and her prejudices are so pro- nounced she had no right to be on that jury of selec- tion. This thing we are trying to make right is so much bigger than any one person that our feelings have to go by the board. I don’t like to hurt any- body but I like less to make Charlie look ridiculous to the coming generation. I will keep you posted as things come along. When you wrote your letter of the 19th, you had not received my last letter. I am pretty busy these days. Lots of love to you both. Sincerely, Encl.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-09]