Pasadena, California. April 18, 1931. Rev. Chistoph Keller, 340 Prospect Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. Dear Mr. Keller: I want so much to have you and Katharine know about the upheaval over the model of Charlie which has been selected to be placed in the Hall of Fame in our national capital. I feel sure you people will join me in protesting when you see the cuts and if you do feel the urge to protest to any of the people on the committee, I am sure it will help as every friend of Charlie’s has the right to expect a fine piece of art which looks like him and keeps alive the memory of a strong outdoor man. Many of Charlie’s friends have sent in protests to the Governor of Montana as well as to me. I feared you people had not seen a cut and as you loved Charlie, I wanted you to know and have an opportunity to say something if you feel so inclined. My best love to you both. Sincerely, Air Mail
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-12]