Pasadena, California. May 6, 1931. Mr. John E. Lewis, 230 West Second Street, Kalispell, Montana. Dear Uncle John: I have just received a letter from Governor Erick- son saying nothing will be done about the model until legislature meets two years from now. That sentence certainly gave me a chance to sleep better but he does not say the chosen model will be aban- doned so we cannot stop until that has been accom- plished. You would be surprised at the number of letters I have had from sculptors who are trying to make a model. Later there will be some fine artistic likeness from which to choose and certainly one which will do honor to the State as well as to the memory of Charlie. Thank you for the part you have taken to date and I know you will stay with the ship until she is guided safely unto port. The enclosed copy of telegram from James Montgomery Flagg will interest you. I have had a lot of similar things so we are right in protesting and insisting that another model be chosen. Love to you both. Sincerely, Encl.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-14]