Pasadena, California. April 18, 1931. Mr. Malcolm S. MacKay, T e n a f l y , New Jersey. Dear Malc: Was so glad to get your telegram and I hope you had an opportunity to start some protests from that end of the world. Every one of my real friends here join in the same feeling that we have – that more time should be taken and more models submitted to choose from rather than take something that is not a likeness of Charlie. I have not heard anything from the Governor. In fact, only one man in Montana has written and explained any- thing and he was not on the Committee but called in as a special in selecting the model. It occurred to me that you might sometime see George Bird Grinnell. He knew Charlie and I am sure would not want him represented by such a poor, sad little figure. Would it be too much trouble to call on him some time and show him that cut? I would like to have had some real photographs of Mrs. Lincoln’s model but have been unable to get them. If you have any ideas to give me that I may follow in helping with this matter, I would be so glad to have you tell me. You are a big taxpayer in Montana and have a right to express yourself freely. We want Montana people to object as well as outsiders for after all this is Montana’s niche that Charlie is to fill and we want to do honor to both State and man. I surely wish I could run in and have a talk with you and Helen. It would help such a lot to have the good unbiased opinion of folks like you. Love to you both. Sincerely, Air Mail
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-11-14]