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Tags: adornment

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Osage woman's black wool wedding coat with velvet and metallic trim Unidentified Native American; Osage 84.1782a wool, silk, cotton, metal
Beaded and quilled leather arm band Unidentified Native American 84.998b Beads/Quills/Metal/Feathers
Leather armbands with quillwork Unidentified Native American 84.992a quill, hide
Leather arm band with quillwork Unidentified Native American 84.992b Rawhide/Quills
Osage woman's wedding outfit consisting of military style jacket, top hat, plumes and a feathered hat ring. Unidentified Native American; Osage 84.1782a-i wool, satin, brass, silver, feathers, wood, cardboard, paint, plastic, cotton, silk, felt
Leather belt with silver decoration Unidentified Native American 84.1225 hide, silver
Child's blanket with ribbonwork and beaded floral design Unidentified Native American; possibly Osage (artist and user) 84.1155 wool, silk, glass
Leather and German silver Native American Church belt Carol King Rachlin, Unidentified Native American; possibly Cheyenne 84.3227 German silver, silver, steel or chrome-plating, commercially tanned leather, semi-tanned leather
Roach with dyed horsehair Unidentified Native American 84.883a-b horsehair, dye
Roach feather attachment Unidentified Native American; Osage and Ponca (artist and user) 84.895 feather
Purple and white woven yarn belt Unidentified, Tom Whitehead Native American 99.15 yarn
Woman's dance blanket made with blue broadcloth, ribbon, and brass bells Unidentified Native American; possibly Osage (artist and user) 84.1156 wool, silk, cotton, brass
Fingerwoven Strip Gloria Maude Cheshewalla, Nettie Sitz Native American; Osage 99.195 wool, yarn
Deer hair roach Unidentified Native American; Plains 84.792a deer hair
Feathered headdress with beaded headband and medallions Unidentified Native American; Muscogee (Creek) 84.2241a hide, wool, glass, feather
Leather wrist cuff with beadwork Unidentified Native American 84.754 hide, glass
Silver waterbird earrings Bruce Caesar Native American; Sac & Fox, Pawnee 69.138a-b silver
Red and white glass trade beaded necklace Unidentified Native American 57.29 glass
Wooden roach spreader with silk ribbon attachment Unidentified Native American; Plains 84.792b wood, silk
Red deer hide roach and spreader Unidentified Native American 84.3041a-b cotton, hair, hide