Mrs. Lefthand, Cheyenne-Arapahoe |
Louis Shipshee, B.A. Blackburn |
Native American; Potawatomi |
02.1484 |
tempera on watercolor paper |
A Religious Leader in Indian Ceremony |
Carl Sweezy |
Native American; Arapaho |
02.1974 |
tempera on paper |
Indian Territory |
P. Brodie |
39.365 |
Map of the Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory |
3926.636 |
Map of Indian Territory and Oklahoma |
Creek |
3926.639 |
Map of Indian Territory |
P. Brodie |
Creek |
3926.742 |
Gray's Atlas Map of Indian Territory |
G.W. & C.B. Colton and Company |
Creek |
3926.744 |
A Map of the Indian Territory, Northern Texas, and New Mexico Showing the Great Western Prairies |
Josiah Gregg |
3926.802 |
Indian Territory |
Samuel Augustus Mitchell |
Creek |
3926.745 |
Railroad and county map of Indian Territory |
George F. Cram, George F. Cram |
Creek |
3927.720 |
Chief Little Raven on His War Pony |
Carl Sweezy |
Native American; Arapaho |
02.288 |
tempera on paper |