Map of the United States, Northern Mexico, and southern British America |
George W. Boynton |
3916.214 |
Map of Arkansas and Indian Territory |
G.W. & C.B. Colton and Company |
Creek |
3926.236 |
Map of the Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory |
3926.636 |
Indian Territory with Part of the Adjoining State of Kansas |
Creek |
3926.660a-b |
Map Showing the Lands Assigned to Emigrant-Indians West of Arkansas and Missouri |
Creek |
39.731 |
Map of Indian Territory |
P. Brodie |
Creek |
3926.742 |
Gray's Atlas Map of Indian Territory |
G.W. & C.B. Colton and Company |
Creek |
3926.744 |
Indian Territory |
Samuel Augustus Mitchell |
Creek |
3926.745 |
Map of Indian Territory and Oklahoma |
Rand McNally & Company |
Creek |
3926.766 |
A Map of the Indian Territory, Northern Texas, and New Mexico Showing the Great Western Prairies |
Josiah Gregg |
3926.802 |
Railroad and county map of Indian Territory |
George F. Cram, George F. Cram |
Creek |
3927.720 |
Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Robertson to D. D. Hitchcock at Fort Blunt, C.N |
Daniel D. Hitchcock |
American |
3826.2844-.4 |
ink on paper |
Letter from S.A. Worcester, in Kowetah Mission, to "Rev. and Dear Sir" |
Samuel Austin Worcester |
American |
3826.2848 |
ink on paper |
Letter to Henry Ross from Lewis Ross, written on board a Steamboat from St. Louis to Fort Gibson with Uncle John Ross |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.284-.1 |
ink on paper |
Letter from Lewis Ross at Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation to Henry C. Ross at Nazareth Hall, Pennsylvania concerning Lewis' trip from Philadelphia to Leavenworth, Kansas. |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.271 |
ink on paper |
Photostat of letter from Going Snake et al. to General Scott |
Native American, Cherokee |
4426.95 |
ink on paper |
Deposition of James Douglas concerning the sinking of the steamboat Logansport |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1621 |
ink on paper |
Claim by Jesse McLain against Cherokee Nation when his keelboat was sunk by steamboat Victoria |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1633 |
ink on paper |
Power of Attorney to John Drew by Susan and Ellen Conetuh to obtain and dispose of named slaves |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1558 |
ink on paper |
Manuscript Collection: John Lowery Brown |
Native American; Cherokee |
MC.1954.26 |