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Tags: basketry

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Jar shaped basket with wooden lugs Unidentified Native American; Apache, Western 71.270 willow
Jar shaped coiled basket with wooden lugs Unidentified Native American; Apache, Chiricahua 71.269 wood
Twined water jug with leather lugs and pitched in pine Unidentified Native American; Apache, Western 71.265 grass, resin, leather
Large coiled jug shaped basket with finger woven tumpline and horsehair lugs Unidentified Native American; Apache, Jicarilla 71.256 willow, sumac, horsehair, wool
Twinned willow burden basket trimmed with tin jingles Unidentified Native American; Apache, Chiricahua 71.255 willow, tin, hide
Large twined willow storage basket Unidentified Native American; Apache, Chiricahua 71.252 willow, devil's claw
Large jar shaped storage basket woven in yucca and devil's claw with geometric designs Unidentified Native American; Apache, Western 71.251 yucca, devil's claw
Tall cylindrical coiled basket Unidentified Native American; Apache, Jicarilla 71.250 willow
Coiled basket tray with human, animal, and geometric designs Unidentified Native American; Apache, Western 71.238 willow, devil's claw
Coiled basket bowl Unidentified Native American; Apache, Western 71.228 willow
Oak splinted basket with bundled grass rim and ash curls Unidentified Native American; Ottawa 71.141 oak, ash, sweet grass
Imbricated coiled basket Native American; Klickitat 71.330 spruce root, squaw switch grass
Plaited basket with stamped design Native American; Mohegan-Pequot 71.510 oak, dye
Coiled basket with lid Native American; Wylakie 71.553a-b
Coiled basket water jug pitched in pine resin with horsehair handles and cotton tumpline Native American; Southwest 71.272 grass, pine resin, horsehair, cotton
Double walled twill plaited basket Unidentified Native American; possibly Natchez or Choctaw 71.519 river cane
Coiled and twined basketry tray Native American; California Mission 71.128 grass, rush, yucca
Imbricated coiled basket with lid Native American; Northwest Coast 71.403a-b cedar, bark
Coiled and feathered basket with lid Native American; Pomo 71.561a-b feathers, grass, bark, clam shells
Plain plaited basket Unidentified Native American; Cherokee or Delaware 71.453 white oak