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Tags: battle

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Indian Legends from Virginia W. Richard West Native American; Southern Cheyenne 01.2268 oil on canvas
An Attack on a Village of Cave Dwellers Thomas Moran, J. Augustus Bogert American 15.425 printing ink on paper
War club made with wood, leather, and stone Unknown Native American; possibly Apache (artist and user) 84.964 wood, hide, stone
War club made with stone and wood Unknown Native American; Apache (artist and user) 84.968 wood, stone, sinew
Painted stone war club with wood handle and horsehair decoration Unknown Native American 84.3061 cotton, stone, wood, horsehair
Feathered headdress with brown felt base and eagle’s feather trailer mounted on wool Stroud cloth Unknown Native American; Plains, Central Plains, possibly Kaw 84.3063 feather (eagle), glass, wool, felt, horsehair, fur (rabbit)
War club with stone head and leather handle Steve and Tony Bolinger Native American; Osage 84.3412 rawhide, horse hair, shell, bone
Wooden war club with stone head decorated with fur and feathers Unknown Native American; possibly Apache; possibly Jicarilla or Kiowa-Apache (artist and user) 84.963 wood, hide, fur, feather, stone
Small stone projectile point Unknown, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 61.107.604b stone
Circular miniature shield made of buckskin with painted design Unknown Native American; Kiowa (artist and user) 84.1020 hide, paint
Large stone projectile point Unknown, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 61.107.604a stone
Guns in the Forest Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2142a graphite on paper
Battle at Lake Champlain Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2184 ink on paper
Sea Port Battle at St. Nicholas Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2194 ink and pen on paper
Buffalo Bill Killing Yellow Hand Olaf Carl Seltzer American 02.1126 watercolor on paper
Attack on the Water Witch by the Paraguay Fort Itapira Edward Meyer Kern American 02.750 pencil and wash on paper
Letter to Henry Ross, from Lewis Ross, Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, describing raids on Wagon Trains from or to Fort Scott Native American, Cherokee 4026.279-.1 ink on paper
Letter to Lewis Ross from Henry C. Ross, Nazareth Hall, discussing the rebels stealing of provisions and if the family was all right Native American, Cherokee 4026.275 ink on paper
Cheyenne Camp after Battle Unknown Native American, Cheyenne 4326.3753
Battle of Molino del Rey Paul Dominique Philippoteaux French 01.1563 oil on canvas