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Tags: battles

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Counting Coup Unknown American TU2009.39.267.11
Battle Talk Earl Biss Jr. Native American; Apsáalooke (Crow), Ojibwe 14.872 ink on paper
The Attack James Auchiah, Oscar B. Jacobson Collection Native American; Kiowa 02.22 tempera and ink on paper
Indian War Carl Sweezy Native American; Arapaho 01.2401 oil on canvas
Indian War Carl Sweezy Native American; Arapaho 01.592 oil
Small stone projectile point Unknown, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 61.107.604b stone
Large stone projectile point Unknown, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 61.107.604a stone
Letter from Henry C. Ross, Nazareth Hall, to his father, Lewis Ross, indicating he had been sick with the mumps and asks ab out their house being burned down Native American, Cherokee 4026.274 ink on paper
The Attack Jay-See American 02.101 watercolor
Unarmed... Robert McMurtry, James and Rosemarie Waggoner Native American; Comanche 02.2004 acrylic on board
Fort Reno Ledger Drawing Unknown Native Americans, Cheyenne 4526.19.3
Fort Reno Ledger Drawing Unknown Native Americans, Cheyenne 4526.19.16
Fort Reno Ledger Drawing Unknown Native Americans, Cheyenne 4526.19.11
Fort Reno Ledger Drawing Unknown Native American; Cheyenne 4526.19.13
Fort Reno Ledger Drawing Unknown Native Americans, Cheyenne 4526.19.15
War Path - Battle of Sioux Indians Alfred Jacob Miller American 02.1076 watercolor on paper
Battle of Tippeconoe Kurz and Allison American 15.267 hand-colored lithograph
Threatened Attack on the Caravan by a Horde of Indians Alfred Jacob Miller American 01.2429 oil on paper
Custer's Last Stand Edgar Spier Cameron American 01.1657 oil on canvas
Washington and Lafayette at the Battle of Brandywine John Vanderlyn American 01.1018 oil on canvas