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Tags: berries

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Indian Territory Samuel Augustus Mitchell Creek 3926.745
Eagle Diving after Spotted Fawn Velino Shije Herrera Native American; Zia Pueblo 02.230 tempera on paper
Codex Canadensis Gilcrease Foundation 4726.7 ink on paper
Cloth lined vest with beaded animal and floral designs Native American; Yakima 84.1770 cloth, glass
Trajes Regionales Mexicanos: Plate 2: Hombre de Saltillo, Estado de Coahuila, en Traje de Charro con Sarape Carlos Mérida, C.W. Belden and Associates, Pocahontas Press Guatemalan 17.70.2 screenprint on wove paper
Fall Season Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 13.346 colored pencil and graphite on paper