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Tags: bills (invoices)

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Bill for freight and drayage to Fort Gibson for Richard Fields Native American, Cherokee 4026.3325.10 ink on paper
Bill of sale for Negro woman from J. A. Scales to Charlotte Drew for $800.00 Native American, Cherokee 4026.1852 ink on paper
Bill from Madison Coody to John Drew Native American, Cherokee 4026.1588.22 ink on paper
Bill for account of William Dudley for $0.75 Native American, Cherokee 4026.3325.13 ink on paper
Letter from Fayette Barnett to Bill Robinson concerning a shotgun Native American, Creek 4026.3010 pencil on paper
Bill from Dr. John F. Brown to Drew and Fields Native American, Cherokee 4026.1588.25 ink on paper
Bill for account of Neal M Lead for $1.75 Native American, Cherokee 4026.3325.17 ink on paper
Bill to the estate of Wm. M. Erwin to William Vann for $10.00 Native American, Cherokee 4026.3020 ink on paper
Bill addressed to Governor P. M. Butler for $5.25 on the account of Drew & Fields Native American, Cherokee 4026.1588.39 ink on paper
Receipt for $60.00 for bill and goods purchased Native Americans, Cherokee 4026.3283 ink on paper
Bill of goods purchased by J. L McCorkle from J. W. Hayes Native Americans, Cherokee 4026.3065-.1 ink and pencil on paper
Bill to Mr. Runyan for goods and cash to $27.56 Native American, Cherokee 4026.1588.59 ink on paper
Receipt to Drew from Sutton and Spring in Fort Smith for eight $50 bills in Bank of the United States Native Americans, Cherokee 4026.3297 ink on paper
Bill of Sale for a pool room and accessories in Spiro, Oklahoma from John L. Huff to D .W. McCorkle and J. H. Anderson Native Americans, Cherokee 4027.3098 ink on paper
Notes from C. Runyan reporting receipts and payment of several bills Native American, Cherokee 4026.1584.21 ink on paper
Bill of Lading for Goods from M. Mayers and Bros. to Richard Drew Native American, Cherokee 4026.1676 ink on paper
Bill to John Drew for iron and coffee Native American, Cherokee 4026.3223.21 ink on paper
Bill of sale from Dennis Biggs to John Drew of a Negro slave for eight hundred dollars Native American, Cherokee 4026.1584.22 ink on paper
Bill for Ward and Branton Native American, Cherokee 4026.1676.10 ink on paper
Three page itemized bill to John Drew Native American, Cherokee 4026.3223.4 pencil and ink on paper