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Tags: bow and arrow

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Unidentified Osage man Unknown Native American, Osage 4326.4414
Osage winning contest Unknown Native American, Osage 4326.4151
Sun Boy or Son of the Sun Unknown Native American, Kiowa 4326.4083 silver gelatin process
An-pe'-tu To'-ke-tea or the Other Day, also known as Sweet-Sounding Voice or Walking Bud, a warrior Unknown Native American, Sioux 4326.4857
Long Pumpkin, Dog Horn, Holy man, Red Tomahawk, Flat Iron, et al Unknown Native Americans, Sioux 4326.4822
Chief Luther Standing Bear Unknown Native American, Sioux 4327.4844
Kiowa Chief, Stumbling Bear Unknown Native American 4326.4873
Aleck, Anderson, Cooper, Bill, et al, Tonkawa Indians Unknown Native American, Tonkawa 4326.4880
Comanche Boy at Fort Sill Unknown Native American, Comanche 4326.7909
Quanah Parker Unknown Native American, Comanche 4336.3855
Hunting Lodges Edwin Willard Deming American 01.2056 oil on canvas
Curved bow strung with twisted sinew Native American; Plains 73.207 wood, sinew, pigment, horse hair, cotton string
Buckskin quiver painted with blue, red, green, and yellow Joseph Henry Sharp Collection Native American; Apache (artist and user) 84.1898a-k leather, wood, feather, metal, wool, pigment, fur, deer dew claws, sinew