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Tags: bow

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Conference Albertus Del Orient Browere American 01.1652 oil on canvas
Huicholes of the States of Nayarit and Jalisco Carlos Mérida, C.W. Belden and Associates, Pocahontas Press Guatemalan 17.5.4 screenprint on paper
Huicholes de los Estados de Nayarit y Jalisco Carlos Mérida Guatemalan 17.70.13 screenprint on paper
Dog Soldier's Challenge W. Richard West Native American; Southern Cheyenne 02.2112 tempera on mat board
Carved wooden bow Unknown Native American; Plains 84.1895b wood
Carved wooden Bois d'arc bow Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3118 wood, hide (raw), horsehair
Carved wooden bow with blue, gold, clear, and green beading Unknown Native American 84.932 wood, glass, thread, cotton
Wooden arrow with stone projectile point Unknown Native American 62.110a wood, stone, feather
Partially stained red and black bow with some sinew wrap Unknown Native American; possibly Apache (artist and user) 73.205 wood, sinew
Carved wooden bow Unknown Native American; Apache, Chiricahua (artist and user) 73.284 wood
Carved wooden Bois d' Arc bow Phil Cross Native American; Caddo 84.3529a wood (Bois d' Arc), hide (deer)
Bow, Quiver, and Arrows Unknown Native American; Plains 84.1895a-v hide, wood, sinew, obsidian, glass, wool ,steel
Fringed saddle blanket decorated with beadwork of pipes and bow and arrow Unknown Native American; Northern Arapaho 84.653 wool, hide, glass
Wooden bow with string attached Unknown Native American; possibly Cherokee (artist and user) 73.283 wood, sinew
Black and white photograph of a woman with a bow in her hair Unknown, Dominic Daniels, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage (user) 77.32 paper, ink
America Septentrionalis American 39.608
Carved wooden bow Yellow Wolf Native American; Cherokee (artist and user) 73.204 wood
Hair bow and clip with woven designs and metal thunderbird Unknown Native American; Euchee 84.3547 cloth, metal, hide, plastic
Buffalo Hunt Percy Tsisete Sandy Native American; Zuni 02.219 tempera on paper
Indian Raiders Alex Concha Native American; Taos 02.59 tempera