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Tags: Britzman Collection

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Charles Marion Russell "Painter of the West" American TU2009.39.8123c-d
Mother Bear with Cub Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.6454.3
Photograph of Trail's End Living room American TU2009.39.6218a
Where Mules Wear Diamonds American TU2009.39.3906.1-2
Note Pad American TU2009.39.5034
Skunks in the Campground Unidentified American TU2009.39.7656.27
From Mrs. C.W. Tupper to Naegele Printing Company American TU2009.39.2591
Grey Eagle Unidentified American TU2009.39.6772.1e
Burro and Boar Unidentified American TU2009.39.6859c
Mounted Steer Head Unidentified American TU2009.39.6647c
Charles M. Russell and Woman Dressed as Native Americans American TU2009.39.5851c
Group of Unknown People Unidentified American TU2009.39.6976b
One Cowboy Shooting Another Unidentified American TU2009.39.6517b
Cartoon titled Scoop interviewing Charles Russell American TU2009.39.5625
Monarch of the Forest Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.6430
Charles M. Russell American TU2009.39.5338
Mother Horse with Foal Unidentified, Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.8322
Where the Best of Riders Quit Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.6466.1b
Photograph of Trail's End Gate American TU2009.39.6233
Smoke Talk American TU2009.39.3943.1-3