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Tags: drying

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Storytelling Cecil Murdock Native American; Kickapoo 02.556 watercolor on paper
Laundry Day Jesús Guerrero Galván Mexican 02.996 watercolor
Indian Family Jay-See 02.224 Watercolor
Tipi and Meat Drying Rack Acee Blue Eagle, Solomon McCombs Studio Collection Native American; Muscogee (Creek), Pawnee 02.1030 tempera on matboard
Noon Meal after Peyote Meeting Frank Knickerbocker Native American; Otoe-Missouria 02.103 watercolor on paper
Basket Maker Roger Dickson Native American; San Carlos Apache 02.68 watercolor on paper
Drying Green Chili Lorencita Bird Atencio Native American; San Juan 02.181 tempera on paper
Two burros standing near an adobe house with peppers hanging near the roof Unknown American TU2009.39.258.11a-b gelatin silver process
Woman with Meat Russell William Wagoshe Native American; Osage 02.1970 watercolor on paper