Ixtlan del Rio style hollow male ceramic funerary effigy |
Mesoamerican; West Mexican |
54.4121 |
clay, slip, paint |
Nayarit style solid human figure bound to a palette |
Mesoamerican; West Mexican |
54.4134 |
clay, slip, paint |
Tajin ceramic effigy figurine fragment of head with ear spools and headdress |
Mesoamerican |
54.7427 |
clay |
Small jade effigy pendant |
Mesoamerican |
55.100 |
jade |
Comala style twin dog effigy vessel with two heads and two tails |
Mesoamerican; West Mexican |
54.3457 |
clay, burnished red slip |
Ceramic effigy rattle |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
54.3769 |
clay |
Ceramic effigy with hollow construction |
Mesoamerican; Aztec |
54.7297 |
clay |
Ceramic human figure head fragment |
Mesoamerican |
54.7650 |
clay |
Jade human face effigy pendant |
Mesoamerican; Totomic |
61.8360 |
jade |
Jaina Island style solid ceramic seated male effigy wearing a headdress, earrings, necklaces, clothing, and has stylized hair |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
54.3814 |
clay |
Polychrome ceramic human effigy rattle |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
54.3861 |
clay |
Ixtlan del Rio hollow ceramic figure of seated male with fan in hand |
Mesoamerican; West Mexican |
54.1716 |
clay, slip, paint |
Ixtlan del Rio style hollow ceramic human female figure supporting ceramic vessel on top of head |
Mesoamerican; West Mexican |
54.4027 |
clay, slip, paint |
Ceramic human figure head fragment |
Mesoamerican |
54.7589 |
clay |
Ixtlan del Rio style solid ceramic anthropomorphic figure |
Mesoamerican |
54.3909 |
clay, slip, paint |
Ceramic human figure head fragment of a fertility goddess |
Mesoamerican; Toltec |
54.7312 |
clay |
Jade human face effigy pendant |
Mesoamerican; Zapotec |
55.94 |
jade |
Jade human face effigy pendant |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
55.108 |
jade |
Ivory human effigy |
Arctic, Aleut |
83.1357 |
Ivory |
Ivory seal effigy |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1750 |
Ivory |