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Tags: flying

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Legend of the Fire Dragon of the Sun Jimalee Chitwood Burton Native American; Cherokee 01.2204 oil on canvas on board
Frightened Horse & Rattler Percy Tsisete Sandy Native American; Zuni 02.195 tempera on paper
Skunks and Crows Stealing Corn Ignacio Moquino Native American; Zia 02.213 tempera on paper
Group of eagle feathers Unknown Native American 85.45a-i feather
Group of eagle feathers Unknown Native American 85.47a-g feather
Landscape with Bridge Emily Kelley Moran Irish American 14.321 printing ink on paper
Two Riverscapes Emily Kelley Moran Irish American 14.374 printing ink on paper
Peyote Bird Woodrow Wilson Crumbo Native American; Citizen Potawatomi 02.339 tempera on paper
Indian Legends from Oregon W. Richard West Native American; Southern Cheyenne 01.2287 oil on canvas
Hiawatha and the Great Sea Serpent Thomas Moran American 01.1115 oil on paper mounted on canvas
Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula Pieter Goos 3926.168
Novissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula 3976.161
Setting Sail Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2199 ink and pen on paper
Clipper Ship Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2202 ink and pen on paper
Country Girl Charles Banks Wilson American 14.695 lithograph on paper
Green Corn Dance Velino Shije Herrera Native American; Zia 02.560 tempera on paper
Polar bear hunt Robert Mayokok Native American; Inupiaq 13.3890 ink wash on paper
Owls Kenojuak Ashevak Indigenous Canadian; Inuit 14.892 ink on paper
Minne-Ha Ha Seth Eastman American 01.1121 oil on board
Peyote and Symbols Acee Blue Eagle Native American; Muscogee (Creek), Pawnee 02.515 tempera on matboard