19th century - 20th century | palm fiber, glass, cotton textile, cotton thread, embroidery thread possibly silk
20th century | semi-tanned hide (possibly buffalo hide used as a thin strip added to the tops), glass, sinew, cotton thread, dye
19th century - mid-20th century | cotton, hide, glass, wood
19th century - 20th century | glass, hide, feather
20th century | cotton, glass, hide
20th century | glass, cotton
19th century - 20th century | hide, wood, fur, cloth, brass, dye, glass, sinew
20th century | hide, glass
late 19th century | hide, glass, metal, cotton
20th century | hide, shell, glass
19th century - mid-20th century | wool, hide, glass
19th century - 20th century | semi-tanned hide, glass, German silver, cotton thread
20th century | wool, cotton, glass
20th century | wood, hide, glass, hair (horse), metal
late 19th century - early 20th century | porcupine, glass
1969 | wool, glass
20th century | hide, glass, wood