circa 1945 | walnut wood
1889 | cast in bronze
mid-20th century | tempera on paper
late 20th century | tempera on mat board
late 19th-early 20th century | plaster, paint, wire, and clay
late 19th century | oil on canvas
circa 1970s | ink on paper
late 19th century - early 20th century | graphite on paper
mid-20th century | wool, rayon, nickel silver, glass, cotton
late 20th century | oil on canvas
1880 | printing ink on paper
1947 | colored pencil on paper
early 19th century | oil on canvas
late 19th century - early 20th century | leather, cloth
1843 | oil on canvas
1978 | colored pencil and tempera on matboard
1825 | oil on panel
1879 | oil on canvas
1883 | oil on canvas
late 19th century - early 20th century | gelatin silver process