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Tags: humans

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Leaning and Crying Earl Biss Jr. Native American; Apsáalooke (Crow), Ojibwe 13.3943 ballpoint pen on paper
Sketch of a Nude at Rest Earl Biss Jr. Native American; Apsáalooke (Crow), Ojibwe 13.3937 ballpoint pen on paper
Female cornhusk doll with braided arms, hair, and ink drawn face Unidentified Native American; Quapaw 96.34 cornhusk, yarn (wool), ink
Female cornhusk doll with braided arms, corn silk hair, and ink drawn face Unidentified Native American; Quapaw 96.35 cornhusk, corn silk, ink
Male cornhusk doll with corn silk hair, braided arms and legs, and ink drawn face Unidentified Native American; Quapaw 96.33 cornhusk, corn silk, ink
"Xipe Totec" Aztec deity of a priest wearing the skin of a flayed human sacrifice Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7294 clay
Portfolio Title: Estampas del Popol-Vuh Carlos Mérida, Talleres Graficos de la Nacion, Graphic Art Publications Guatemalan 17.6.6 lithograph on paper
Wixárika Yarn Painting Mesoamerican; Wixáritari 99.190 yarn on board