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Tags: Hunter

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
The Hunter and the Moose Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2187 ink on paper
Buffalo Hunt Percy Tsisete Sandy Native American; Zuni 02.219 tempera on paper
Minne-Ha Ha Seth Eastman American 01.1121 oil on board
Attack by bears Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2162 ink and pen on paper
Indian Boy Olaf Carl Seltzer American 02.1262a-b watercolor on paper and mat board
Skin Hunter Olaf Carl Seltzer American 02.1264a-b watercolor on paper and mat board
The buffalo hunt Velino Shije Herrera Native American; Zia 02.2083 tempera
Inuit hunting hat Arctic, Inuit 84.1321 rawhide, wood, incised ivory and sinew
Indian Hunter with Dog Paul Manship American 08.60 bronze
Texas Leopard Cat John Woodhouse Audubon American 01.2319 oil on canvas
The Buffalo Hunt Charles Marion Russell American 08.12 lost-wax cast in bronze
Meat's Not Meat 'Till it’s in the Pan Charles Marion Russell American 01.2244 oil on canvas on board