Human effigy |
Arctic, Inuit |
73.392 |
Wood |
Hide container with geometric designs on the front |
Native American; Sioux |
89.110 |
rawhide, pigment |
Ivory harpoon foreshaft |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1846 |
Ivory |
Ivory comb |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1077 |
Ivory |
Indian Dwarf Riding Duck |
Unknown |
American |
TU2009.39.6812 |
gelatin silver process |
A beaded knife sheath |
Native American; Plains |
84.780 |
leather, glass, sinew. metal, horsehair |
Beaded strike-a-light bag with leather fringe on the flap and on the bottom of the bag |
Unknown |
Native American; possibly Cheyenne or Comanche |
84.672 |
hide, glass |
Beaded possible bag |
Native American; Lakota Sioux |
84.606 |
leather, glass, metal, horse hair |
Globular shaped olla made from micaecous clay |
Unknown |
Native American; Picuris Pueblo |
54.2659 |
earthenware |
Ivory sinker |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1479 |
Ivory |
Third Mesa wicker basketry plaque |
Native American; Hopi |
71.86 |
sumac, rabbit brush, willow, yucca |
Human effigy |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1315 |
Walrus Penis Bone |
Small elbow style clay pipe with geometric designs |
Native American |
54.7946 |
clay |
Female with beaded cloth dress with selvage at arms and hem |
Native American; Yakima |
84.912 |
hide, glass, cloth |
Child's beaded leather moccasins with geometric designs |
Unknown |
Native American; Arapaho |
84.318a-b |
semi-tanned hide, rawhide, glass, pigment, sinew |
Buckskin quiver painted with blue, red, green, and yellow |
Joseph Henry Sharp Collection |
Native American; Apache (artist and user) |
84.1898a-k |
leather, wood, feather, metal, wool, pigment, fur, deer dew claws, sinew |
Italian trade bead necklace |
Native American; Plains |
84.2504 |
glass, bone, leather |
Italian trade bead necklace |
Native American; Plains |
84.2507 |
glass, seeds, leather |
Ivory harpoon point |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1631 |
Ivory |
Hairpipe breastplate with leather and metal |
Native American; Sioux |
84.151 |
leather, metal, hairpipe bone |