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Tags: Locust Grove

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Letter from Gilcrease to Stone offering thanks for a sketched buffalo design for a wood carving Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American, Muscogee (Creek) 3827.7823 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Krakel regarding Wunderlich showing Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.3368 pencil and ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Wiesendange requesting a piece of ebony and walnut. Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7826 pencil on paper
Letter from Stone to Gilcrease hoping he likes the carving done on light fixtures and indicates he will carve the fireplace when it is finished Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7861 ink on paper
Letter from Gilcrease to Stone, Gilcrease saying the story makes the work more interesting Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American, Muscogee (Creek) 3827.7828 ink on paper
Letter from Willard to Krakel listing pieces sold and enclosing typed copy of letter (January 5, 1963) from Mrs. Hermann Wunderlich Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.3371 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Hargrett telling of infection in two of his fingers Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7866 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Wiesendanger about current work Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7833 pencil on paper
Letter from Wiesendanger to Stone thanking Stone Willard Stone American 3827.7830 ink on paper
Carbon copy of Forrest's letter apologizing for absence during Stone's visit Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.3352 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Gilcrease concerning idea of making busts of tribal leaders Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7867 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Wiesendanger with description and drawing of recently completed work, "An Atomic Baby" Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7836 pencil on paper
Letter from Gilcrease to Stone praising carvings and ideas Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American, Muscogee (Creek) 3827.7832 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Krakel, droppping letterhead and brochure, talks of cutting down walnut tree on Tom Gilcrease's "Dad's place" Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.3374 pencil on paper
Letter from Stone to Gilcrease about receiving pictures of Chiefs from Chronicles of Oklahoma Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7870 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Wiesendanger concerning possible problems in work on small dance figures requested by Wiesendanger Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7839 pencil on paper
Letter from Gilcrease to Stone commenting that Atomic Baby is interesting Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease Native American, Muscogee (Creek) 3827.7838 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Forrest asking about August exhibit and mentions "Acee's" funeral Willard Stone, Acee Blue Eagle Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.3354 ink and pencil on paper
Letter from Willard to Krakel regarding New York exhibit and trip Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.3369 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Wiesendanger describing land he would like to purchase for studio Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7844 pencil on paper