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Tags: Native Americans

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
German silver bracelet with stamped designs Jimmie Wildcat Native American; Euchee 69.152 silver
German silver comb with scalloped detail and place for ribbons Jimmie Wildcat Native American; Euchee 69.153 silver
Wooden pipe cleaner with carved handle Unknown Native American; Osage (artist and user) 73.142 wood
Wooden pipe cleaner Unknown Native American; Cheyenne; Southern (artist and user) 73.144 wood
Strand of glass beads Unknown Native American; Cherokee, Eastern (artist and user) 57.123 glass, hemp
Metal arm bands with scalopped and buckle detail with long pink ribbons Unknown Native American; Kaw 69.168a-b silver, cotton
Black and pearl beaded necklace Unknown Native American 57.18 glass
Authorized copy of B. V. Cummins’ manuscript on the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation in Oklahoma Territory B. V. Cummins American 4027.5900 ink on paper
Typescript of Winthrop Sargent’s account of Native American raids in the Northwest Territory in 1791 Winthrop Sargent American 4026.8353 ink on paper
Letter from Patrick Gordon to Chief Shekallamy regarding the sale of rum to the Native Americans Patrick Gordon American 3826.1200 ink on paper
A notebook listing disbursements, some of which are to Native Americans American 3626.152 ink on paper
Report from a meeting of the Commissioners for Managing Indian Affairs American 4026.5899 ink on paper
Copy of an interview of a Mataugwesauwack Indian American 4026.5927 ink on paper
Letter from G. Saltonstall requesting a missionary be sent to instruct the Mohegans in the Christian religion G. Saltonstall American 4026.8351 ink on paper
A Savage Feast Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2183 ink on paper
Sacramento River and Plains Alfred Thomas Agate, 1812 - 1849 (Artist) American 02.694 watercolor
C. T. Wells’ account of a trip from Mulberry, Arkansas to Arkansas City, Kansas C. T. Wells American 4026.8414 ink on paper
Willard Stone business card Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 5327.849 ink on paper
Willard and Sophie Stone's 40th Wedding Anniversary invitation Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 5327.847 ink on paper
Letter from Stone to Gilcrease about working on a bust of Sequoyah with a drawing of "The Sofkie Makers" Willard Stone, Thomas Gilcrease, Sequoyah Native American; Cherokee descent 3827.7864-.1