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Tags: natural landscapes

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Captain Jack Modoc Henry H. Cross American 01.1674 oil on canvas
Good Fifth Son Henry H. Cross American 01.1678 oil on canvas
Boston Charlie (Modoc) Henry H. Cross American 01.1675 oil on canvas
White Crow (Arapahoe) Henry H. Cross American 01.1686 oil on canvas
Ojibway Indians Killing Musk-Rats in the Wild Rice Meadows George Catlin American 01.2154 oil on canvas
A Band of Elks Crossing the Missouri George Catlin American 01.2145 oil on canvas
Assiniboine Indians Encamping at Sunset George Catlin American 01.2142 oil on canvas
Sanford's Bluff George Catlin American 01.2135 oil on canvas
Grassy Bluffs on the Upper Mississippi George Catlin American 01.2118 oil on canvas
View of Cassville on the Upper Mississippi George Catlin American 01.2117 oil on canvas
Grassy Bluffs George Catlin American 01.2112 oil on canvas
Wind River Mountains, Nebraska Albert Bierstadt American 01.20 oil on paper
Lake George Homer Dodge Martin American 01.1216 oil on canvas
Landscape of Western Plains Unknown American TU2009.39.6695b
Icebergs Thomas Moran, Henry Wolf American 15.441 printing ink on paper
Prairie Bluffs Burning, on Upper Missouri George Catlin American 01.2134 oil on canvas
Garlick Cape George Catlin American 01.2115 oil on canvas
A Small Savannah in the Pine Woods of Florida George Catlin American 01.2125 oil on canvas
A Buffalo Stable Invaded by Grizzly Bears George Catlin American 01.2144 oil on canvas
Mr. Catlin and His Two Men in a Bark Canoe Meeting a Herd of Buffalo Crossing the Missouri. George Catlin American 01.2141 oil on canvas