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Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Print B: 'The Much Resounding Sea' Thomas Moran American 14.448b printing ink on paper
Print H: Where through the Willows Creaking Loud, Is Heard the Busy Mill Mary Nimmo Moran American 14.117h printing ink on paper
Two Riverscapes Emily Kelley Moran Irish American 14.374 printing ink on paper
Print C: 'The Much Resounding Sea' Thomas Moran American 14.448c printing ink on paper
Print I: Where through the Willows Creaking Loud, Is Heard the Busy Mill Mary Nimmo Moran American 14.117i printing ink on paper
Herding Cows Peter Moran English American 14.389 printing ink on paper
Print E: 'The Much Resounding Sea' Thomas Moran American 14.448e printing ink on paper
Print J: Where through the Willows Creaking Loud, Is Heard the Busy Mill Mary Nimmo Moran American 14.117j printing ink on paper
Defeated Jerome Tiger Native American; Muscogee (Creek), Seminole 02.1963 graphite and tempera on mat board
Print F: 'The Much Resounding Sea' Thomas Moran American 14.448f printing ink on paper
Print L: Where through the Willows Creaking Loud, Is Heard the Busy Mill Mary Nimmo Moran American 14.117l printing ink on paper
Ancestor Spirits Benjamin Harjo Jr. Native American; Absentee Shawnee, Seminole 14.814 ink on paper
Ulysses and the Sirens Thomas Moran, Osborne Co. American 16.232 printing ink on paper
Print M: Where through the Willows Creaking Loud, Is Heard the Busy Mill Mary Nimmo Moran American 14.117m printing ink on paper
Print A: The Gate of Venice Thomas Moran American 14.446a printing ink on paper
Series of Prints: The Gate of Venice Thomas Moran American 14.446a-e printing ink on paper (14.446a), brown printing ink on paper (14.446b-e)
Print N: Where through the Willows Creaking Loud, Is Heard the Busy Mill Mary Nimmo Moran American 14.117n printing ink on paper
Print B: The Gate of Venice Thomas Moran American 14.446b brown printing ink on paper
Print A: The White Squadron after E. Moran Thomas Moran American 14.452a printing ink on paper
Indian Legends from Oregon W. Richard West Native American; Southern Cheyenne 01.2287 oil on canvas