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Tags: peyote

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Peyote Bird Woodrow Wilson Crumbo Native American; Citizen Potawatomi 02.343 tempera on paper
Peyote Talk Robert Redbird Sr. Native American; Kiowa 02.1946 tempera on matboard
Peyote Ceremony Paul Pahsetopah Native American; Cherokee, Osage 02.1943 Gouache on board
Peyote Ancestors Harding Big Bow Native American; Kiowa 02.1925 tempera on mat board
Osage Big Moon Peyote Meeting Russell William Wagoshe Native American; Osage 02.1941 colored pencil, gouache, and graphite on paper
Feather drop for decorating the staff Unidentified Native American; Osage 84.2924e feather (eagle, pheasant), hide, glass
Peyote Bird Woodrow Wilson Crumbo Native American; Citizen Potawatomi 02.339 tempera on paper
Indian Fan James Auchiah Native American; Kiowa 02.6 tempera on paper
Feather crown for decorating the staff Unidentified Native American; Osage 84.2924d feathers, hide
Silver peyote church earrings Bruce Caesar Native American; possibly Pawnee or Sac & Fox 69.150a-b silver
Native American Church yarn blanket manufactured in Mexico Unidentified, Henry Haskell, Dudley Haskell Native American; Osage, Mexican 97.279 acrylic yarn
Commercial cigarette papers Unidentified, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 84.1175b paper
Commercial tobacco bag Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 84.1175a cotton, burlap
Silver scarf slide with fan and flower engraved designs Kugee Supernaw Native American; Caddo, Quapaw, and Osage 69.161 nickel silver, German silver
Beaded peyote feather with geometric designs Unidentified Native American; Osage 84.2920 eagle feather, glass, hide
Loose peyote feather fan made of blue and gold macaw feathers with multicolored beaded handle and white fringe Joseph Rice Native American; Sac & Fox 84.3095 feather (macaw), fur, hide, glass
Otter hide strips for decorating the staff Unidentified Native American; Osage 84.2924c otter fur, buck hide
Native American Church staff Unidentified Native American 84.3142 wood
Gourd peyote rattle with carved and beaded handle Patrick Scott Native American; Navajo (Diné) 84.3097 gourd, wood, hide, glass
Gourd peyote rattle with wooden handle Patrick Scott Native American 84.3105 gourd, wood, hide