mid-20th century | Oklahoma red cedar wood
modeled 1911; sand cast between 1912 and 1916 | sand cast in bronze
mid-20th century | wood
mid-20th century | cherry wood
mid-20th century | walnut and coffee bean wood
1947 | wood
mid-20th century | maple wood
1946 | Philippine mahogany and walnut wood
modeled 1900; lost-wax cast 20th century | lost-wax cast in bronze
1946 | cherry wood
mid-20th century | wild cherry wood
1943 | wood
mid-20th century | bois d'arc wood (Osage orange)
circa 1945 | walnut wood
modeled 1900; lost-wax cast circa 1900 | lost-wax cast in bronze
circa 1950 | wood
mid-20th century | walnut wood
mid-20th century | oak wood
1976 | wood