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Tags: sinew

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Beaded leather awl case with geometric design Unknown Native American; possibly Cheyenne 84.725 rawhide, semi-tanned hide, sinew, glass beads
Feathered headdress Unknown Native American; Cheyenne, Southern 84.863 feathers, brass, white metal, glass, wool, silk, rawhide, sinew, cotton, semi-tanned skin, horsehair, resin
Buffalo sinew strip tied in two knots Unknown Native American; Pawnee 87.1 sinew
Loom beaded sash and ornament Unknown Native American; Osage 84.1859a-b glass, sinew
Partially stained red and black bow with some sinew wrap Unknown Native American; possibly Apache (artist and user) 73.205 wood, sinew
Carved wooden bow Unknown Native American; Apache, Chiricahua (artist and user) 73.284 wood
Gourd peyote rattle with carved and beaded handle, horsehair topper, and leather fringe Unknown Native American 84.113 gourd, wood, glass, horsehair, hide, sinew
Bow, Quiver, and Arrows Unknown Native American; Plains 84.1895a-v hide, wood, sinew, obsidian, glass, wool ,steel
Wooden arrow with feather attachments and painted stripes Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3112 wood, feathers, metal, paint, sinew
Wooden arrow with blue feather attachments Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3113 wood, feather, metal, paint, sinew
Wooden arrow with feather attachments and painted stripes Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3114 wood, feather, metal, paint, sinew
Wooden arrow with feather attachments and painted stripes Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3115 wood, feather, metal, paint, sinew
Wooden arrow with feather attachments and painted stripes Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3116 wood, metal, feather, paint, sinew
Wooden arrow with blue feather attachment and painted stripes Blas Placidio Native American; Kiowa 84.3117 wood, metal, feather, paint, sinew
Woman's beaded hide leggings with geometric designs Unknown Native American; Cheyenne, Southern 84.456a-b semi-tanned hide (possibly buffalo hide used as a thin strip added to the tops), glass, sinew, cotton thread, dye
Beaded leather pipe bag with fringe Unknown Native American; possibly Arapaho or Cheyenne 84.501 semi-tanned hide, glass, sinew
Beaded yellow dyed hide cradleboard with fur lining Unknown Native American; Apache, Mescalero (artist and user) 84.632 hide, wood, fur, cloth, brass, dye, glass, sinew
Beaded cradle hood with geometric patterns Unknown Native American; Cheyenne 84.735a-b semi-tanned hide, cotton, glass, sinew
Beaded semi-tanned skin pipe bag with fringe Unknown Native American; Cheyenne; Southern 84.519 semi-tanned skin, glass, sinew, pigment
Beaded and quilled pipe bag with fringe Unknown Native American; possibly Arapaho or Cheyenne 84.482 semi-tanned hide, rawhide, sinew, pocupine quills, glass, dyes