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Tags: soldiers

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Custer's Last Stand - June 25, 1876 Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.849 oil
Treaty with the Shoshone Indians In 1866 Charles Christian Nahl American 01.1481 oil on canvas
Go Easy on "Bull;" The Soldiers Need it Worse than I Do, Says Charlie Russell American TU2009.39.5464.1 paper
Cow Island Indian Fight Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.856 oil on board
The Arrival of American Troops at the Front John Singer Sargent American 01.1219 oil on canvas
The End Charles Schreyvogel American 01.1245 oil on canvas
Mexicans and Texas Soldiers Edwin Willard Deming American 01.1936 oil on canvas board (mesonite)
Buffalo Bill's Duel with Yellow Hand Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.857 oil on board
Breaking Through the Line Charles Schreyvogel American 01.1235 oil on canvas
The 1st Regiment of the United States Dragoons with Several Indian Hunters & Guides Meeting a Herd of Buffaloes in Texas George Catlin American 01.2157 oil on canvas
Custer, Reno and Benteen with Grey Horse Troop on the Eve of Custer's Massacre - June, 1876 Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.751 oil on board
Alfred Sully Thomas Sully American 01.1217 oil on panel
Defeat & Capture of Black Hawk George Catlin American 01.2113 oil on canvas
Chief Joseph's Surrender to Col. Nelson A Miles - October 4, 1877 Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.762 oil on board
Even Chances Charles Schreyvogel American 01.1251 oil on canvas
Group of Mandan Warriors George Catlin American 01.2111 oil on canvas
Surrender Of Two Moons April 1877 - To Gen. Nelson A. Miles at Ft. Keogh, Montana Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.765 oil on board
Surrounded Charles Schreyvogel American 01.1252 oil on canvas
The Arrest of the Scout Frederic Remington American 01.2306 oil on canvas
The Killing of Chief Lame Deer - May 1878 and the Treacherous Attack on Gen. Nelson A. Miles Olaf Carl Seltzer American 01.773 oil on board