1999 | cotton, ink
1997 | cloth
mid-20th century | hide, wool, glass, feather
early 19th century - mid 19th century | Semi-tanned skin, fabric likely made of silk weft and cotton warp, glass, dye, cotton thread.
early 20th century - mid-20th century | glass
1999 | wood, hide, ink, dye
mid-20th century | feather, glass, hide, wool
1997 | cotton, ink
early 1900s | wood, hide
May 2013 | wood (Bois d' Arc), hide (deer)
20th century | cornhusk, corn silk, ink
20th century | cornhusk, yarn (wool), ink
1997 | silk, ribbon
1997 | synthetic fiber, cotton
20th century | cotton, silk
circa 1970 | cotton, thread