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Tags: treaty

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Silver peace medal stamped "1860" and with the crest of the Prince of Wales European 65.51 silver
Victorian silver peace medal European 65.52 silver
Letter from William Wirt to Chief John Ross William Wirt, J. L. Hargett Native Americans, Cherokee 4026.78-.1 ink on paper, wax
Silver peace medal with "Happy While United" type European 65.57 silver
Letter from John Ross to Gales and Seaton Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.29a-a.2 ink on paper
Letter from William Wirt to Chief John Ross William Wirt, J. L. Hargett Native American, Cherokee 4026.430-.5 ink on paper, wax
James Garfield peace medal United States 65.46 silver
Letter from Chief John Ross and Edward Gunter to Joel Roberts Poinsett Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.582-.1 ink on paper
Certification that Nation has given John Drew an Order to the Agent Regarding Treaty of 1828 John Drew, J. L. Hargett Native American, Cherokee 4026.126 ink on paper
Andrew Johnson peace medal, 1st size United States 65.45 silver
Memo by Chief John Ross Concerning Information to be Sought in Washington City Concerning Two Reservation Claims. Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.1129 ink on paper