1958 | oil on canvas, possibly acrylic
2004 | acrylic on canvas
19th century - 20th century | wood, glass
1965 | tempera on matboard
20th century | hide, shell, glass
20th century | leather, shell
20th century | terrapin, hide
1997 | turtle shell, leather, brass, stone
1960s | claw (bear), bean (mescal), glass, hide, turtle
late 19th century - early 20th century | watercolor and pencil on paper
late 19th century | watercolor and pencil on paper
early 19th century | watercolor on paper
mid-20th century | aged cherry and oak wood
1981 | graphite on paper
Unknown | jade
500 - 1000 CE | clay
late 19th century - early 20th century | bone, glass
circa 1900 | leather, glass, cotton
300 BCE - 300 CE | clay