Affidavit of John Ross and John Drew stating Sally Guess is widow of George Guess (Sequoyah) |
Sequoyah, John Ross, John Drew |
Native American; Cherokee |
4426.273a-b |
ink on paper |
Affidavit of Sally Guess, widow of Sequoyah, given before George Butler, Oonachinsa, and Archibald Campbell |
Sequoyah, George Butler |
Native American, Cherokee |
4426.274a-b |
ink on paper |
Newspaper clipping reporting death of Henry C. Ross on May 4, 1906 |
Native American, Cherokee |
4127.4 |
ink on paper |
Certificate by Judge John S. Vann of marriage of G. W. Williams and Nancy Rattlingourd and a request for a marriage license to be granted |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1925 |
ink and pencil on paper |
Act Relative to Estates and Administrators |
William Shorey Coodey, J. L. Hargett |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.835-.1 |
ink on paper |
Note Regarding Claim of Polly Fox |
J. L. Hargett, Unidentified |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1243 |
ink on paper |
War Widows |
Willard Stone |
Native American; Cherokee descent |
11.56 |
wild cherry wood |
Letter from John Lowry to President James Madison |
J. L. Hargett, John Lowry |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.19a |
ink on paper |
Copy of Remarks of Andrew Jackson |
J. L. Hargett, John Glappell |
American |
4026.1978.1-.4 |
ink on paper |
Appointment of Light Horse Company and Instructions by President Walter Webber and Vice President Aaron Price |
J. L. Hargett, Unidentified |
American |
4026.39-.1 |
ink on paper |
Letter from Jenny to Cherokee Nation Delegation |
J. L. Hargett, Jenny |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.127 |
ink on paper |